Saturday 30 May 2015

Crop Circles

A crop circle is a  pattern created by the flattening of a crop such as cereal, rapeseed, reeds, grass. They are also referred to as crop formations because they are not always circular in shape. Some cerealogists  say that these diagrams must be created by intelligent alien beings from elsewhere.

Image result for crop circles
One of the most interesting circles to appear in recent years is at Milk Hill, Alton Barnes, Wiltshire that has been named 'The Galaxy'. This particular circle comprised of more than 400 circles, perfectly aligned in a psychedelic swirl.
Although many of todays crop circles are known to be the work of pranksters, interest in crop circles has enjoyed a recent revival because of a pair of new patterns that appear in a field next to the Chilbolton Observatory in Hampshire, England. 
One is of a face, that could be interpreted as looking similar to the face of a "gray" alien. 

Image result for crop circles
The second is a modified version of a message that was sent out into deep space in 1974  from the Arecibo satellite dish in Puerto Rico, broadcast in the direction of the globular cluster M13 in November of that year. 

This was the crop circle. The original message was:

Now the comparison between the original sent message and crop circle is:
Another thing to take into account is the way that the 'ET Message' shows that thier DNA structure is very similar to ours.
Scientists have also found a change in Magnetic field where Crop circles are found. In many places before formation of crop circles, UFOs are seen.

More proofs about crop circles could be found on: 

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Aliens Review

Alien Abductions! Alien Nightmares! Alien Experimentation! U.F.O.!

Alien is something which is believed today both as a reality and a myth. It is believed that if life exists on earth then it is for sure that life exists on other planets. This universe is made up of Galaxies, which contains Solar system where Stars, Planets, and other heavenly bodies exist.
So, if we consider it in broad aspect then it is nearly impossible that life only exists on earth.

The incidents of Alien Abductions, UFO sightings, Change in magnetic field of region where UFO is sighted, Crop circles etc. all point out towards the existence of aliens somewhere.

Various incidents like Roswell UFO incident, Kenneth Arnold case; places like Bermuda Triangle, Area 51; and sightings like Crop circles, WOW message, SOS signal etc. tells that some life form maybe more intelligent than us do exist.